Jamaican Excursion

Natural stream
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
When we went on our cruise we had choices to go on excursions when we stopped at port. When we came to Jamaica- the entire family went to a Rum Party on the beach. (go to http://chavaneth.blogspot.com/2010/03/little-sahara.html if you haven't read that story!)
Well, Chad decided to go with a group of kids on a countryside Jeep excursion. He knew no one. He had just turned 14 and he was in a different country. But off he went! All we had was the underwater camera for him to take so the pictures aren't the best - but they spark amazing memories for him - this one of him sitting in the stream...he said the rock was so smooth from so many people sitting in that exact same spot over the years. And the picture of his lunch is horrible, but when he sees it, he salivates for the jerk chicken of Jamaica. What a wonderful trip!

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