'The Killer Inside Me' (the movie)

Casey Affleck is set to star with Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba in "The Killer Inside Me," which is set to be shot in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Guthrie, Enid and Cordell, according to the film office. Michael Winterbottom, best-known for helming "A Mighty Heart," has been named as director of the Oklahoma production. (from the Tulsa World)
They are shooting in front of my building today so we took a couple of photos with Vanessa and the vintage cars. Pretty exciting! A lot of big names are in this movie - Simon Baker is one of my favs! :-) Click on her picture for another shot...

Cutey patootie

Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
Grammi and Papa Gene kept my nephews for a week while my sister and her husband took a mini vacation at Grand Lake. When my parents took the boys to grand they luckily took advantage of the scenery and took a few GREAT pictures :-) Click on Collin's smiley face for more of the series. :-)

Flower Girl

My favorite
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
When I was 4 I was the flower girl in my aunt Bonnie's wedding. When I got married, her youngest daughter was the flower girl in my wedding. And just recently my youngest cousin got married (Bonnie's daughter) and she asked Vanessa to be the flower girl in HER wedding. Vanessa had a great time. She was shy/nervous at first but by the time it was over - she was asking to go to ANOTHER wedding ;) There will be professional pictures from the wedding but for now Vanessa just wanted to show off her dress :) Click on her picture to see more!

What boys do...

What boys do...
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
Every summer Papa Gene takes Chad camping. This year they took Chad's friend, Baylor, chose War Eagle as their destination, and even did a little bit of kayaking. No pictures of that since they were all IN a kayak :) But I think you can get a good idea of the fun they had and the beautiful weather. There were other people around, but you really can't tell in these pictures :-) Don't forget to click on the picture to see more of their fun camping trip.

New Reasor's in Jenks!

Our new Reasor's just opened up and we are so excited! Plenty of parking! Tons of new products! A coffee bar, with seating - photo shop - video rental redbox machine - BOK - out of this world bakery - all the cheeses you could possibly ever need - fresh pizza and made to order sandwiches - it's pretty cool! :-)

Leading the turtles

Leading the turtles
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
It was below 100 degrees - around 97 - so we took the kids to Kiddie Park which is a small amusement park in Bartlesville OK. Vanessa is starting 1st grade and is too tall for more than 1/2 of the rides. They had a great time and I took tons of pictures. With my cell phone. Which look great on a little tiny screen. But rather blurry once they are downloaded. Hopefully the fun they had shines through the horrible photography :-) (as usual - click on the picture to lead you to MORE!)

Growing up

Selena Graduating
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth
This is Selena Ruth - she is Vanessa and Ethan's oldest sister and she graduated from high school in Kentucky this month! I met this little one when she was a mere 10 years old and she lived with me for a year. Look at her now - 18 and just beautiful. She has made the decision to go into the Air Force at the end of the summer. Please keep in her thoughts so hopefully she will stay out of harms way.
Unfortunately Vanessa and Selena (and her other sister Danai) haven't been raised around each other because they grew up in different states. But let me tell you - the resemblances are uncanny! Not only in looks - but in behavior! I even call Vanessa "Selena or Danai" sometimes because she acts/looks so much like them :-) They are all beautiful girls!

Small Blister

Small Blister
Originally uploaded by Chavaneth

You know, there is only so much we can do. We mold and shape and suggest and then we sent the kids out into the world and hope they don't end up hurting others or themselves as they grow older. So when my uber mature 13 year old asked if he and a friend could go to Big Splash I said SURE! Just be sure to wear your swimshirt. "OHHHH MOM!" I'll be careful. I'll wear sunscreen. Don't make me wear the shirt. (It's soooo embarrassing)
Fine. He knows the dangers of overexposure to the sun. He and I are so fair, our skin is translucent under black light. He has seen me have numerous 'spots' removed (one was even stage 1 melanoma) and he has had his own spots removed!
He would be safe right? Oh wait. 13. girls. water. big slides. too cool to say "hold on. let me reapply sunscreen"
ya let me just say sunscreen and his lifelong health were not at the top of his priority list.
This picture is the second day of his severe burn. It has been 3 days and he still can barely walk. If you click on the picture you will see the first blister that emerged this morning. This is not for my friends and family who tend to have a weak stomach. So consider yourself warned.
He wants a season pass to Big Splash. I think he is going to have to compromise and agree to wear his swimshirt to get one. And swimpants. And a swimmask. And carry an umbrella.