Self List

This is the most difficult for me to write. And the most personal. But here it is - all out in the cyberworld for my 3 regular viewers to see. It's more of a personal accountability to write it and post it and follow up with the list - as with all of the lists, I will update as I go. I will post a new blog about completing an item, as well as link it from the original lists!
So here we go! Oh ya - and I went a little over 50 this time!

1. act confident
2. attend 6 activities with friends not in 'regular' circle (Joined a Bunco group. I only knew the hostess. How many times can I go and it still not be my "regular" circle?)
3. attend monthly dinner with girls (Jan)
4. become a better soccer coach
5. become contributor to other blogs (at least 4 posts)
6. begin priorityme workshops (1st one is March 26th)
7. bring lunch 4 days a week to work (doing OK - not great)
8. consume less - document
9. cook dinner at home 5 nights a week
10.create a food journal
11.create a steady second stream of income (no matter how small)
12.develop confidence not buy more than two pairs of shoes. Throw away equal number. (No shoes in Jan) feb - 1 pair - March -no shoes not date (successful in Jan)
15.find the good
16.forgive. Move on.
17.go on overnight trip with wendy and no kids MARCH -we did not go far but it involved a hotel, a hot tub, alcohol and no kids18.have meal with neighbor once a month (Jan)
19.join a business organization
20.keep personal bathroom organized (organized it - it's the KEEP part i'm struggling with)
21.learn to maintain my eyebrows myself (have not started)
22.less chocolate
23.let my nails grow March - I let them grow. Long. now they are short again. Work in progress24.look confident
25.maintain a food journal
26.make my bedroom a sanctuary
27.meditate daily for at least 3 minutes (Just started this) gina once a month outside of work and monthly dinner (Jan) joey once a month (Jan) justice once a month (Jan - but now she is gone for a few months!)
31.move more
32.neversaydiet community challenge March - I had actually forgotten about this more than 6 hrs of TV a week (TRYING!) March - probably about 4 hrs a week! craft with kids each month (post on craft blog)(hated our craft this month. did not post.) hour alone with each kid per week (This has been extremely successful)
36.paint 4 paintings (post them)I have painted one. I will post.
37.participate in at least 9 All Souls activities/services (Jan - Trivia Night. Feb - Sunday Service)
38.participate in kiva (I am!)
39.participate in postcard swap at least 12 home videos at least 4 blog entires on family blog every month (Jan)Feb - did okay - March - not so good!
42.purchase less - document Feb- March- went 11 days without stopping in target. this is a record!
43.put grandma's pictures on digital format Martha Beck as if she were MY life coach (really having fun with this) regularly before bed
46.see wendy once a month (preferably with no kids - but with works) (Jan twice - once with kids - once with none) FEb and March - saw at least once each month! (working on it)
48.start a family craft blog! (Started)
49.start priorityme blog (started) March - started a full-fledged website!
50.start the planning process of the first priorityme conference
51.stop regretting past decisions
52.stop using/needing antacids
53.take all meds daily
54.take an entrepenural class In February I attended a 2-day Entrepenural Conference in Norman!
55.teach a non-family member something Feb - I taught steph how to Twitter and set up a Facebook account
56.use at least 4 coupons at every grocery visit
57.volunteer. 3 times with family - 3 times without
58.weigh under 200 pounds (taking this challenge with the support of my church which will help me with #37)
59.who is my authentic self?
60.write 10 essays titled "What I know for sure"

...and raise a family and hold down a full time job...can i do it?! YES I CAN!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kiva? I clicked the link. What a great organization! It's been my goal to support Village Banking, which it appears is a similar organization. I'll have to read more about Kiva.