Jumping in

If you've been on my facebook or around me personally for the last couple of months - you know I've opened an etsy shop called FreckleLips. Justice and Aiden gave me a gift in a fabric gift bag and I fell in love with it! So I started making my own. Well, techinically I came up with a name for the shop, and set it up, and bought some fabric and borrowed a sewing machine - all before I had made a single bag. But then I started sewing - some for the shop - some for the Christmas gifts I was giving - and a few custom orders! It's been very fun ;-) But with Christmas over I had to come up with a few new ideas because the quantity of gift bags needed throughout the year is a lot lower than during the holiday season! So I looked up some patterns. And
I stared at the loads of stuff piled in my house. And now - not only do I not have to borrow a sewing machine, but I have THREE :-) So the morphing of FreckleLips from a bag and tag shop to an upcycled, repurposed, and generally eco friendly shop as begun.
Today I am posting my first "booty bag" which is made from pants from the thrift store and my first piece of original artwork made from vintage greeting cards. Over the next few weeks, I will be adding more thrift store pieces and more artwork almost daily so be sure to take a look!

1 comment:

Kahri said...

Love your stuff! Especially love the wildflower artwork. It's awesome!! So proud of you and your stuff! looks great!